Birth Preparation Courses

To guide and support you through pregnancy, birth and motherhood!

The Motherhood Academy

Strives to educate and empower you for birth - The Motherhood Academy's top 2 courses for birth preparation are:

1. The Hypnobirthing Mini- Course

Giving you all the essential information you need to prepare for your baby's birth in the most positive way! Comprising of a detailed series of audio and video modules, a detailed written guide, positive affirmation pdfs and fabulous relaxation mp3s, the mini course is a great introduction to hypnobirthing for £57!

Hypnobirthing Mini-Course

2. The Motherhood Academy Online Hypnobirthing Course offers you a full online hypnobirthing course giving you all the information you need to rock your baby's birth with calm and confidence! Comprising of over 8 hours of short and easy- to-follow audio and video modules, a 30-page written guide, a birth partner guide and video, a birth preferences example and template, 27 relaxation mp3s and loads of bonus modules, this is the right choice for you if you are ready to learn all you can about how to have a positive and empowering birth experience for just £117!

The Motherhood Academy Online Hypnobirthing Course

Both courses will help you to:

  • Feel at ease and empowered throughout the remainder of your pregnancy
  • Eliminate the fear of childbirth and replace any anxiety with positivity, calm and self-confidence
  • Manage and reduce pain during childbirth
  • Learn how to relax and work with your body during each stage of the birth process
  • Create a relaxing and nurturing birth setting
  • Have a hands-on birth partner who knows how to support you and advocate for you ;)
  • Gain clarity about your birth choices so you feel in control of your baby's birth
  • Shorten your time in labour
  • Maximize your baby's health and safety as well as your own.

Why are the courses so inexpensive?

The Motherhood Academy is passionate about making high quality childbirth education available to as many women as possible around the globe! Signing up for in-person classes can be costly and some women simply cannot afford them.

The Motherhood Academy online courses allow you to invest in yourself and your baby without any economic stress. Also, as long as you have Wi-Fi, it removes location, time and childcare obstacles, allowing you to access the modules wherever you are and whenever you have a few minutes spare.

Birth Preparation Courses

To guide and support you through pregnancy, birth and motherhood!

"The Motherhood Academy Course was incredibly helpful in preparing me and my partner for one of the most amazing days of our lives! The information presented within the modules was thorough, but concise and discussed in a way that was easy to understand. This is a program for increasing knowledge and empowerment that I would HIGHLY recommend to any expecting mother." Sam S (first-time mum)

"Completing Anja’s Motherhood Academy Hypnobirthing Course has completely changed my views on the birthing process. Anja’s in-depth knowledge and positive attitude has made me feel 100% better about the whole journey. The online resources have been great and I feel like I’ve had all the information I need to understand the birthing process and lots of advice and tips on how to have the most positive birth. The course has been an incredibly positive experience and I’m so glad I did the course! Thanks so much Anja! xx" Kim S (first-time mum)

"I would whole-heartedly recommend the Hypnobirthing Mini-Course to women and their partners who are preparing for the birth of their first or subsequent baby. It’s a complete and comprehensive positive birth preparation course which will arm you with knowledge, self-belief and all the other little tricks that will enable you to have an empowered and calm birth experience." Ann-Marie H (mum of two)